Tango Argentin avec Stefano & Tania / Argentine Tango with Stefano & Tania

Stefano is an experienced and passionate Tango dancer. He has followed numerous courses with internationally renowned maestros, such as Carlitos Espinoza & Noelia Hurtado, Pablo Rodriguez & Corina Herrera, Gaston Torelli & Moira Castellano and others. He continues to participate in a great many workshops to further hone his art.

Stefano est un danseur expérimenté et passionné. Il a suivi de nombreux cours avec des maestros de renom international, comme Carlitos Espinoza & Noelia Hurtado, Pablo Rodriguez & Corina Herrera, Gaston Torelli & Moira Castellano et encore bien d'autres. Il participe aussi à de nombreux stages afin de peaufiner son art.

Tania discovered the argentine tango in 2012 in Buenos Aires. She worked with well known dancers like Horacio Godoy, Moira Castellano, Corina Herrera, Ruben & Sabrina Véliz, Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sánchez, Ines Muzzopappa, etc. For four years, she shared a prolific experience with René-Marie Meignan, performing at many international events throughout Europe.
Accomplished and subtle, she is also versed in the role of the leader to refine her knowledge and guidance. Tania finds in the richness of her origins (Brazil and Switzerland) and her trajectory the inspiration of precision and humor.
She is an excellent communicator (she is multi-lingual) and brings out the best in the students following her courses.

Tania commence le tango argentin en 2012 à Buenos Aires. Elle a travaillé avec des danseurs parmi les plus connus : Horacio Godoy, Moira Castellano, Corina Herrera, Ruben & Sabrina Véliz, Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sánchez, Ines Muzzopappa, etc. Quatre ans durant, elle partage une expérience prolifique avec René-Marie Meignan, au cours de laquelle ils se produisent dans de nombreux évènements internationaux à travers l'Europe.
Danseuse complète et subtile, elle appréhende aussi le rôle de leader afin d'enrichir ses connaissances et sa pédagogie. Tania puise dans le mélange de ses origines (Brésil & Suisse) et dans la richesse de son parcours, une touche particulière teintée de rigueur et d'humour.
Spontanée et excellente communicatrice (elle est polyglotte), elle sait tirer le meilleur des élèves qui suivent ses cours.

Come to discover
the passion of
Argentine Tango!

Venez découvrir
la passion du
Tango Argentin!

There is no need to come in couples

No previous dance experience required to start enjoying tango!

“Tango is trying to caress the music with your feet.”

Argentine Tango is quite different from any other kind of dance - every step is led by the man and followed by the woman, and they are communicating using the Tango embrace instead of words.

Tango is knowing each other and exchanging emotions without speaking.

Every dance is always unique... it is pure improvisation!

Genealogy of Argentine Tango - click here to see a diagram

Evolution of Argentine Tango - click here to see a diagram

Both diagrams are taken from: http://www.protangoperu.com/investigacion/evolucion.html

The Argentine Tango is an evolution of the Milonga, which was quite common in the Rio de la Plata area of Argentina and Uruguay. Its roots can be traced to the African community in Argentina and Uruguay. It was one of the most popular dances in that area in the 1870s.

Milonga music derived from an earlier style of singing known as the payada de contrapunto. The song was set to a lively 2/4 tempo and often included musical improvisation.
Over time, dance steps and other musical influences were added, eventually giving rise to Tango.

Movements in Milonga are normally faster with respect to Tango and there are typically no pauses. It is a kind of rhythmic walking without complicated figures, with a much more "rustic" style than Tango.

There are different styles of Milonga:
> Milonga Lisa (Simple Milonga), in which the dancer steps on every beat of the music;
> Milonga con Traspié, in which the dancer uses Traspiés or contrapasos (changes of weight from one foot to the other and back again in double time or three steps in two beats) to interpret the music.