Toute l’ann�e sera ponctu�e de soir�es dansantes de type canadienne, au thèmes Rock, Salsa, Tango Argentin et Danses de salon. Nous amenons boissons* et musique, vous apportez une petite collation et... ...� vous la piste de danse! * Il est strictement interdit de consommer des boissons alcoolis�es dans les locaux.
All through the season, we organize free dancing parties on the themes of Rock, Salsa, Argentine Tango and Ballroom dancing. These are organized as pot luck parties: The Club provides music and drinks*, you bring some food to share with everyone else... ...and the dance floor is yours! * Please, note that the Dancing Club has a strict 'non-alcohol policy', which means that alcoholic beverages aren't welcome on its premises.